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Roofing Companies Dallas Roof Inspection

A roof inspection is the process of checking your roof in order to determine its condition and to identify roofing issues that need to be remedied. The inspection might serve the purpose of ensuring roof health or the purpose of determining property value and ways to increase the value of the building. Here is how it is performed:

  • It all starts on the ground – whether it is you or a roofing expert from one of the Dallas roofing companies who will perform the roof inspection, the first step is inspection from the ground. Many faults, such as sagging, missing components and discolorations are easy to discover looking at the roof from the ground and those discoveries will determine the direction of the more detailed checks. Walking around the building is also an important part of this phase – any debris that has fallen from the roof, any sign of water that not correctly diverted towards the ground provide important information;
  • Inspection at roof level – the next phase of the inspection involves climbing up to the roof to inspect the condition of the gutters, the downspouts as well as of the roof surface. The person who performs the inspection will pay special attention to the problem areas detected during the previous phase as well as to the usual problem areas, such the flashing and roof valleys;
  • The results – the findings of the inspection need to be included into a list of actions to be performed to remedy them as soon as possible after the inspection.