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Lon Smith Roofing


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most popular dallas roofing products industry tile asphalt shingles

Tile roofing, whether made from clay or from cement components, are heavy and pricey materials, but they also have lots of other features that account for their high popularity all over the country, Texas and Dallas included. Here are the benefits that make the solution especially suitable for Dallas homes:

  • Superior insulation properties – both clay and cement tiles are excellent insulators, able to keep much of the Dallas heat outside, thus helping you reduce your energy bills by reducing the amount of energy needed for cooling your building;
  • Resistance to the elements – tile roofing can stand up to the elements, including the harsh sunshine and the huge storms so typical of Dallas weather. Clay and cement can also stand up to heat, heavy rain and hail;
  • Easy repair and low maintenance – tile roofs are composed of small elements that are easy to remove and to replace if they sustain damage. Tile roof maintenance is also very easy – all that your tiles need is a little cleaning every six months;
  • Unparalleled beauty – clay and cement tiles will add elegance to any building, conferring the entire construction a classic Mediterranean charm. Tiles are suitable for buildings of any style, for modern buildings as well as for traditional architecture in roofing Dallas TX industry.