Special Offers from
Lon Smith Roofing


Ask about our Limited Time Promotional Upgrade and Class IV Impact Resistant Shingles

Please contact us for details.

Reliable Roofing Company Lon Smith Roofing

Sometimes it can be quite hard to tell if the people working in the roofing industry are actually good at their job or if that’s only marketing. That’s because a lot of advertising goes into promoting the services of Dallas roofers. But in order to pick the right ones, there are a few things one should look out for. For instance, always check their former clients. Roofers, especially those that work on commercial buildings, usually like to “brag” about the clients they’ve had. Company names they’ve worked for can usually be found on their websites and you can even ask them directly about them.

Also, in order to figure out which Dallas roofers are legit and which ones are just a fancy façade, you should take your time and research what they actually do. A lot of them have several services listed. Make sure that you understand what those services are and then take your pick. You’ll find out that those that actually know what they are doing, don’t bother with the flashy stuff and just get to brass tacks as fast as possible. Sure, this can take some time, but you can make a very informed decision once you’ve done your research.  Be sure to check out one of the best roofing companies that Dallas is home to at https://www.lonsmith.com/.