Special Offers from
Lon Smith Roofing


Ask about our Limited Time Promotional Upgrade and Class IV Impact Resistant Shingles

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How Roofing Trends Have Changed in Texas

Roofing design, just like any other field of building design, is governed by regional and global trends – here are some that are shaping Texas roofs today: New roofing materials – while shingles, clay and cement tiles and metal roofs are still the most common roofing...

Trends in Roof Designs for 2020

The roof plays an essential role in conferring the building its appearance as well as in ensuring the comfort and safety of the home – small wonder that most people keep a keen eye on roofing trends. Here are some of the design trends to choose from in 2020: Metal...

Preventive Measures to Avoid Roof Hail Damage

Hailstorms are usually short-lived, but extremely violent, therefore responsible building owners need to take every precaution measure they can to prevent or to mitigate the risk or hail damage. In most cases, hail damage cannot be entirely prevented, but here are...